The Perils of Winter

June 3, 2012

Made this stip back in the winter when I originally thought of launching the webcomic. I figured I might as well just post this now, while my hair’s still somewhat short. Otherwise if I wait until this year’s winter to post this, my closet OCD would never let me post this without painting over the proper hair length (which will be much longer for sure, since I’d most likely not get a haircut here for reasons that would probably be best explained in another strip later  on :p ).

Anyway. working in a lab gives me access to rubber gloves and in during the winter I’d always need to take one in my pocket just for opening doors and such. For some reason, I always have a serious case of static. Must’ve been a faulty socket in my past life.

2 Responses to “The Perils of Winter”

  1. Kathi said

    Thought I may comment on this, because I suddenly remember our “little” electric experience during our bowling evening in Braunschweig. Do you remember? =D

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